While shopping online recently I though about this week's blog assignment. Forever 21 is one of my favorite clothing stores and since it introduced its other "shops", which are mainly online, I have grown to like it even more. From the screenshot below, you will notice that for each shop the company uses a different typeface which I believe is mainly to distinguish the apparel sold at each. I think the use of different typefaces are effective because they give each of the shops their own identity apart from the company as a whole. The main shop "Forever 21", has a simple and inviting font. I think its simplicity makes you wonder what it has to offer. This could also be negative because it plainness can be taken as uninteresting. When I look at the "Heritage 1981" tab I see it as a good representation for the style of clothing available at that shop. It's calm, clean-cut and classic. The Heritage Kids font has color and a symbol (heart) in it, unlike the other tabs. I think adding the symbol and color to this tab was a good idea because it appeals to children, it's fun and cute yet the typeface is still somewhat sophisticated, illustrating that the quality of its products should be taken seriously. The last tab, "Twelve by Twelve" is written in a script. As a consumer of some of its apparel, I think they should have chosen a thinner yet clean script because the apparel it offers looks a little more upscale. Also, I think a thinner script would have shown that the clothing is a little more upscale than that of the other three shops but it is still affordable.
Hey Charyse -
ReplyDeleteGood job talking about "Forever 21." I've always thought this store has the weirdest name. Why would anyone think or aspire to be "Forever 21." It also looks like they switch typeface between the site logo up top and the one that's used in the blue showcase banner.
You correctly observed how they switch fonts apparently more often than they do ages at this company. Logo/branding specialists would say that's not a good idea, but it could be interesting to see what those changes might say about the different sites, or if they were done haphazardly.
Continue to look at this and analyze why they're doing what they do. And keep up up the good work.