Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Welcome to the Blog

Heya Ladies and Gents,

I hope the blog will be an enjoyable part of this semester. Throughout the term it will be a way to continue the discussion beyond class and to learn from your peers.

Many of you will start looking at life in a completely different way after this course. I fell in love with graphics last summer when I moved up to Syracuse for grad school, and now I find myself in Wal-Mart wondering if I've correctly identified Futura as the font they use on department banners in store. Or watching Mad Men (AMAZING SHOW) and googling for blog posts about the typography.

Each week there will be one required post, and part of your grade will be based on your adherence to deadlines and post instructions. Before the end of the semester you’ll also be required to post at least 2 comments on the projects uploaded by your classmates. Project comments should be substantive, critical analyses of projects completed for class.

You’re not limited to the required posts! Please feel free to post as often as you’d like, provided you’re sharing relevant information to the course/projects/principles of design.

Advice for the Semester:
  • Have FUN and enjoy this class! Think of this class as a creative outlet to relieve the stress of your other courses. You may end up a design nerd after this experience. That’s not a bad thing, and you can seek help for it.
  • More importantly, this class is one of the only instances in which it is perfectly fine to be sketchy. By that I mean prepare early and often. Sketches/conceptualizing is crucial before you even step into the lab. Projects really do rise and fall on the quality of your planning. Brainstorm and sketch it out.
  • Never underestimate the importance of strong hierarchy and organization in the lab. When you’re working, set up a folder structure that will make it easy for you to access and use your files for these projects.
I’m looking forward to working with you and getting to know you. Don’t be afraid to stop by my office hours if you have any questions or if you just want to talk. I’ve been through the graduate level graphics course which is structured the same way as this one. It’s going to go by fast, but I hope this semester is fun for everyone involved.

And don’t forget to blog it like it’s hot!


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