Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Adieu, adieu to you and you and you!

Farewell Gra 217!!! Overall I really liked the class, the magazine project was probably my favorite project in the entire course because I feel like there was a lot more freedom with the magazine. The most frustrating part about the class were the labs because I didn't really feel like I got a good understanding of the software, I understood it enough to get the projects done; but that was kind of it. My lab instructor wasn't a bad instructor by any means I just think it's hard to teach a group of students something you know very well when you're not really a teacher or professor.
In the class I really learned the importance of visual hierarchy and what it is to be able to manipulate a reader around a page. I'm more type conscious in everyday and it's kind of driving me crazy.
Today I went to see my friends thesis presentation and the girl after her had a powerpoint and the type was some oddly indented light stroke of some serif typeface. She even used italics at times to differentiate the quotes of certain speakers, I wanted to throw up. See? It's driving me crazy, I was nauseous her entire presentation.
I really enjoyed the class and even though it was stressful at times, I would still recommend it to a friend. Sherri Taylor (and yes I do find it necessary to say her first and last name whenever I talk about her) is a great professor. At times she seemed cold but she really knows her stuff and sometimes the truth is what you need to hear to get better at what you do.

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