Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Last Post: Nadell

This class has taught me an unbelievable amount of information about design. Entering this class I new absolutely nothing about it. I never really thought about typefaces, or images, or white space. I don't know, I just didn't take the time to notice things through the lens of design. This class has really opened me up to taking the time to see how a billboard, magazine, website, etc. catches my eye. This class has made me think of color, font type and size and pictures differently.

Obviously since I never thought of things in the way of design, I have learned from this class the various words of design. I never heard of gestalt or typeface or nameplate or point or pica. But now I understand how this words apply to design and the real world.

This class has extended my knowledge of using the adobe suites. Having these skills are going to help in any profession in the future. Using these programs are the way of the future. The resume project was extremely helpful to me because it forced me to create a resume. I didn't not have a resume until we started the project. Not only did I make a resume, but I learned how to make an appealing resume. A resume that will help me get good jobs in the future. This class has taught me many useful skills that I will be using a lot through out my educational and professional career.

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