Thursday, May 6, 2010

Baby bye bye bye | Picini

In accordance with the rest of the semester, I forgot to post my blog on time, but here it is:

I've really enjoyed Graphics. I'm a really visual person, so a class like Graphics is a lot more interesting to me than a strictly theoretical or written one. I liked having a Graphics class though, as opposed to just Photography, because it made me think about splitting interest between words and photos. Professor Taylor talked about people not respecting photographs, which isn't a problem for me, but I was reminded to pay attention to the text too, and had to balance their coexistence in most of the projects. As far as what I've learned, everything I know about Adobe Illustrator and InDesign I learned from this class. I knew nothing at all about those. I'd used Photoshop before, but it helped me learn shortcuts and such, which will be very useful in my career. I really liked the fact that we didn't have tests and the class was based on the projects we had, because I'm not a good test taker but I can put time and effort into projects.
I loved the class itself too. I loved my peer critique group, we had some excellent laughs and flipping fantastic widow-avoiding techniques. Professor Taylor is an excellent teacher, I loved how she showed her enthusiasm and humor and interacted with us during class while still teaching us so much. Paul, you were a fantastic TA. I would have been SO lost without all your help, thank you for putting up with my endless emails when I didn't understand something or forgot for the millionth time to post my blog. You have been so helpful, approachable and such a joy to receive instructions from. Honestly, I looked forward to your emails. There was never a dull word. Except for "S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications | Syracuse University" You may want to spice that up a little.
I also learned a lot about myself as well. For instance, that half my wardrobe is yellow, which became evident when every outfit I wore on due dates matched the yellow themed projects I was turning in. I swear it wasn't intentional. I was reminded that I'm a Harry Potter freak, although I never really forgot that.

A short story: Recently I was looking at a friend's paddle she had decorated for her big in a sorority and someone commented on how nice and clean it looked. I went, "Yeah!! I love your wooden letters, they're so.. Sans Serif!" Everyone laughed at me. Story of my life.

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