Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Final Blog Post | Irina Dvalidze

I can honestly say that despite one too many all-nighters, aka me procrastinating in the labs till 4 am and calling it an all-nighter, GRA 217 was really a pleasure. I learned more than I could have ever anticipated. The reason I initially took the class was because I wanted to be able to combine the software knowledge with my TRF core. However as the semester progressed I learned a lot more about the general design principles that will come in handy when applying them to filmmaking.
Often times I wished that I was not so stressed under deadlines because with each project. I felt that I could have taken each one so much further if I had more time. But on the other hand the time limitations were also what motivated me to work, so I suppose it was all give and take.
I really liked Professor Taylor's approach to the class overall. It was very pleasant and rational, while demanding at all times. I truly enjoyed the class, especially the back row shenanigans, aka Paul's awesome commentary and Evan's loud giggles.

Long live Michael Beirut!

P.S. i cant ever look at typefaces the same way again. Damn you Helvetica!

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