Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Week 15 Final Post Ryan McDonnell

So the year's now come to a close and so is GRA 217. I wasn't too sure what to expect coming into the class considering I didn't know too much about design. As the semester progressed, however, I quickly found out what it was all about.

I learned a lot from this class on how to utilize the Adobe suite to its fullest potential as well as all the principles that make design flow the way it does. Whether it be visual hierarchy or choosing typefaces, I learned a ton about design.

Due to this class I also look at logos and typefaces differently. I'm more aware of the processes that go into creating things and the decision making for typefaces. I can even recognize some fonts in every day life thanks to the class.

All in all I liked this class. The workload was quite a lot, but I feel like I got a lot out of the class. It really helped me express my creativity and put my ideas in motion. It was a very stimulating class and in the end I am very happy with my decision to take this class. The people in the class also made it a fun environment, whether it be Professor Taylor, Paul, or my classmates. I think having the right set of people goes a long way in how you enjoy the class, and I must say that was the case here.

I am happy to have taken GRA 217 this semester and I must say I can take away a lot from my experiences in it.

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