During my time in this class, my flash drive crashed, I was forced into downloading the Adobe Suite free trial during Spring Break while I should've been surfing, and I was required to invest in a GPS to navigate me through the maze that this school calls Newhouse. I loved every minute of it.
After taking this class, I went to my adviser and told her I was switching into Graphics. Being a PR professor, however, she talked me into staying in PR. HOWEVER if Newhouse allowed double majors, this would easily be my next choice. I'm a visual person (as an art history major on top of the PR major) and so any class that focused on the arts is right up my alley.
I'd heard about how tough graphics is and how much work it takes. Yes, I spent many early mornings in the Newhouse labs before class touching up last minute details, but I always enjoyed the projects. I was always able to turn in work that I was proud to hand in, and I learn a significant level of technical finesse in working with the Adobe Suites. Even though I struggled at posting on the blog (a lot) (ahem), the workload was more than manageable with the time allotted for the projects. One of the biggest things I learned in the class was time management; I started every project the day it was assigned, and so I never felt pressured nor spent all-nighters in the lab. I feel very comfortable with design now, and I'm hoping to incorporate everything I learned in this class in my major and future professional career.
Professor Taylor was an absolute joy to have as a professor. I was never bored in class, I looked forward to this 9:30am course (call me a morning person), and I learned so much valuable information because of her enthusiasm and honest passion for the subject matter. Paul, you're a gem for putting up with my "I'm-lost-in-Newhouse-again" text messages when I'd attempt to meet with you for office hours. I thought the TA-professor pairing was priceless, both hold so much creative exuberance for both the subject and the students, I never felt that I was up a creek without a paddle with Prof. Taylor and Paul ready to throw me a live vest before I drowned in pikas.
Thanks for a great semester!
3 days ago
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