Friday, March 5, 2010

Week 7 | Leveille

I decided to use The Dresden Dolls' album "The Dresden Dolls" as an example of monochromatic color. The cover uses black, gray and white, but the techniques used, such as different shades of these colors, give the overall cover texture. Often times, I feel like monochromatic images have more effect on a person than a colorful image. The combination of monochromatic coloring and the images portrayed in the album work well together to create a powerful image. The color use along with the fall leaves spread across the top of the cover and the postures of Amanda Palmer and Brian Viglione work together to create a contrast in feelings. It successfully portrays the passion and tension between two people through posture, symbolic images and color.

In contrast to the Dresden Dolls album cover, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' album "Fever to Tell" uses various different colors including red, blue, orange, magenta, yellow, black and different shades in between. The cover is crowded in every sense of the word due to the band members' surroundings, the red web and the snakes intertwined with the letters of the band name. The use of red, which seems to be the dominant color of the album, along with the images resemble the feeling of a fever through a visual. Without the various colors throughout the cover, it wouldn't have the same affect. Just as some images are more powerful with monochromatic colors, others are more powerful with a combination of colors.

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