Design Strategy:
I wanted this logo to be simple, warm and playful - representing me and the features I have. I chose warm colors since it would represent a friendly person. Dark red would explain my courage and stability while orange/yelllow would show my energy for the things I do.
Choice of typefaces:
For my logo, I chose Arnold Beocklin Std because I thought it is modern, brought vitality and went well with the visual. For the visual itself, I chose S’s of Myriad Pro because they both together made a nice liason. For some extra information at the buttom of stationery, on an envelope and business card, I used ITC Bookman Std because this
typeface is easy to read which is necessary for accurate contact information. Since I am international and my name is usually mispelled (instead of Ieva they say Leva), so I decided to use small caps to avoid the confussion.
For the logo mark I used 2 S’s. By using reflection tool under Object, I made one S reflect the other so these both consequently formed a shape. In order to emhasize the structure and first letter of my last name I made colors of each letter different. It also brings vitality to the whole logo. The visual might be perceived as a tulip, as a person or just as a simple “i”. If a flower, I should be perceived as a person striking for personal growth and improvement. If perceived as a figure, arms up in the air and wide open could explain that I am open for novelties in my life and enjoying it. I also used feather affect to make visual soft and feminine.
I saw this logo during our class critique time and really loved it. I think the colors and the grouping are two of the things that work really well here. I think the way the business card was done was very professional and I like how it splits the card into thirds.
ReplyDeleteObviously, the logo itself works very well, and the symmetry that it has, as well as the contrasting bright colors, add to that. The name is also very original and I think the different type face works especially well with it because it is also unique and very fun.
I love the simplicity of your logo. The use of the S's to create a visual and the variety of ways it can be perceived makes it eye-catching. You also did a great job using the gestalt principle of closure due to the perception of the logo. Since three visuals can be seen, the logo has the capability to keep one's head turning until they are sure they've seen all three. The colors you used are strong and balance each other out well. The fact that you made the S to the right orange leads the eye to the actual information on the business card.
ReplyDeleteOverall, I think you represented yourself well and successfully portrayed yourself the way you wanted to.