Friday, March 26, 2010

Week 9: Nicole Buckbinder

Design Strategy:

For my logo project I decided to keep my design very simple and to the point. This is because at this point in my life I am still not sure what it is that I want to do in the future so I decided to just stick to my initials. I tried to blend my 3 initials (N, M, and B) into one visual grouping. I wanted to come off as “creative” because I know that whatever I end up doing will be in a creative field.

Choice of Typefaces:

For the actual logo in my stationary system I first started off by using the font “Zapfino.” I then manipulated the letters with different tools in order to get them to smoothly blend together. In addition I removed some of the letter “B” to make a more obvious distinction between the “N” and the “M.” I chose zapfino because it looks almost painted or drawn on as opposed to typed which helped my letters blend easier. In addition for my contact information I used the font Abadi MT Condensed Light. I used this font because it is a thin stroked font which matched my logo however its readability is much more clear. In addition the more structured typefaces makes the stationary system look more professional in my opinon.


For my “initials” visual I created it by starting off with the font Zapfino and with just the letters “N” and “B.” I then rotated the “B” so that the top of the letter would touch the top of the “N.” The next thing that I did was add and remove anchor points on the letters themselves in order to get them to blend together. In addition I deleted the top portion of the “B” in order to make the “N” and the “M” more distinguishable. The next thing I did was create a gradient throughout the letters to give it more of a blending vibe. I chose the colors green and purple because when blended it looks like more of a neutral color however still more feminine. For the rest of the font on each stationary system I just used the color black in order to make the readability easier and appear more professional. For the letterhead I added a line with the same green to purple gradient but flipped the gradients sides to make the page look more even as a whole.

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