Design Strategy: When thinking up this logo I decided to brainstorm things that I liked and that I associated myself with. After drawing many different penguins (my favorite animal) and variations of D and R together I finally formed on the D and R together as I have them in my logo.
Only then did I think of forming a mountain with their tails. I am from Colorado and have lived there my entire life so the mountains are something I see everyday and even tell my direction off of. After coming to New York for college it was odd not to have mountains in the distance. Also, every summer I go to Big Sky, Montana, a very small town with one huge mountain called Lone Peak. Both these personal connections to the mountains play a large role in my logo.
Choice of Typefaces: I chose Immi Five o Five Std for my name because I thought it was a really different, casual typeface. I made the rest of my type Mendoza Roman Std because it was easier to read my contact information and also helped differentiate my name from the rest of the stationary text. I decided to make put some text in purple because I thought it really livened up the pieces. I have always viewed purple as a very calm and majestic color so I thought it fit my logo well; professional but catching. The purple I used was C=76, M=86, Y=0, K=0.
Visuals: I created the entire design in Illustrator with the charcoal pen tool. Although at first I was wary because I feel the charcoal pen is used often, I thought it really looked rustic and natural. They really conveyed mountains to me. I added the birds because I wanted the logo to be playful. I am not a very serious person, and although I want to seem professional, I want the more fun side of me to be apparent. I also really tried to form repetition with the tail of the D and the tail of the R. I realized early on that they both have similar holes in their uppercase letters so I decided to use those instead of lowercase letters. I wanted to keep the visuals simple, yet not too boring. For the bird on the stationary I used the same purple as describe under typefaces, however I gave it opacity of 5%.
I think your logo has a great flow and feel to it; you managed to incorporate a circle type feel even with the triangular mountain. It's very simple and clean, but distinct. I'm not a big fan of the thick black line on your business card underneath your name; I'm assuming you put it there as a means of separation, but the grouping does that on its own. Also, the watermark of the bird on the stationery made it more dynamic and interesting and made all the pieces more continuous.