Friday, March 5, 2010

Week Seven|Susan Mihalick

The first image here, is an ad for Dragon Noodle Company, a hip chinese and sushi restaurant located in Vegas. It's a perfect example of saturated, vibrant color. The ad uses a fade of analogous colors from red to green. These colors truly stimulate the mind and appetite. The kitschy images of sushi, babies and more, also are highlighted with bold colors. They make for a dynamic visual, that represents the restaurants' funky, approachable, yet chic style. The use of these contrasting, and "food colors" helps to excite and motivate potential customers to visit.
The second ad is for the ASPCA, and uses a virtually monochromatic palette. The dark lighting and grey, washed out coloring are essential in conveying the depressed feeling of the female subject. The girl seems to be suffering from a bad breakup or loss of some sort, gorging herself on some ice cream? or maybe chinese? yum. and her adorable (also neutral colored/ same as the background) little pug is comforting her with a tissue box. The lack of color makes the mood of this ad.
These ads prove the power that color holds over a visual communication.

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