Thursday, February 25, 2010

Week 6 | Leveille

Design Strategy and Client Information
I chose to create a poster design for New Hope Arts, Inc.’s upcoming summer event Savor New Hope: Showcase of the Arts. New Hope Arts is a non-profit organization that serves to promote the arts. Each year, the weekend following July 4th is dedicated to the celebration of the arts. Community members and visitors can see concerts, exhibitions, a dinner to celebrate culinary arts and more.

New Hope is an enriched art community, so in order to solve my poster design I wanted to focus on multiple types of art at once. I also wanted to reach out to a diverse audience ranging from children to adults and community members to tourists. Although New Hope Arts has many sponsors including the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I kept in mind that the organization is non-profit and decided to limit my colors to those of the logo (red, white and black) and Pantone 616C, which is a shade of yellow. In doing this, I was trying to make the contents in the ladle resemble soup. My goal for the poster was to combine culinary arts, musical arts and sculpture/pottery in such a way that would lead the eye to the details of the event.

Choice of Typefaces
I wanted to use a font that looked sturdy yet artsy, so I chose to use Bembo Std. with a black stroke and red filling. What drew me to the font was the extension of the R’s and the serifs. I felt that this was a good representation of the arts. The reason why I chose to make the font red with a black stroke was to make a connection between the event and New Hope Arts because the logo is made of the same colors. I also kerned the letters to create a sense of continuity. For the details about the event, I used Goudy Oldstyle Std. because it serves as a contrast to the headline.

I used the rule of figure of the gestalt theory by showing part of ladle filled with soup. Drops of soup shaped as musical notes are then shown dripping into a bowl. These three elements combined represent the different types of arts represented at the event and lead the eye to the bowl that contains the event’s details. I created my image by using the pen tool in Illustrator to create a bowl, notes and a ladle. I then used linear gradient to shade the bowl and ladle in order to create more depth to the objects. In order to make the notes look more like soup I used the warp effect.

1 comment:

  1. I think your poster is very eye catching and original. It's a good play on words. It's simple and the visual flows very well with the information; it leads the eye down to the "important" details. Upon looking at the font used, it does have that artsy feel and makes me think of when I was applying to an art-based college. Overall, the visual and text work well together.
