I chose to do a poster for the not-for-profit organization Susan G. Komen for the Cure. The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure is a breast-cancer related walk/run that is held annually. My primary demographic for this event included anyone who has been affected by cancer in some way, such as family or friends succumbing to the disease etc.
I wanted my poster to be motivational and inspiring for survivors and victims so they would attand this year's race. I wanted to promote unity, and the organization's desire to spread the message about breast cancer. I decided to use the pink ribbon to symbolize the "road" we still have to travel to discover a cure.
Choice of Typefaces:
For type, I chose Fairfield LT Std, a transitional serif typeface. I used this type both in the headlines and in the information; it is a typeface that is easy to read in all sizes, and has a diverse set of weights that I could choose from.
Visually, I wanted to keep the design simple. I came up with the idea of a runner (it is a race) running on a pink ribbon to symbolize a "road" as well as the trademark pink breast cancer ribbon. I also only used a silhouette for the runner, to simplify it further. I traced a pink jersey on the runner both to "break up" the continuous black of the silhouette as well as to show what the runner was running for; additionally, it creates a great visual gestalt.
Differing shades of pink were used as a color scheme because pink is the breast cancer "color."
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