Friday, February 12, 2010


Design Strategy:
Before making a resume, I knew I will have a simple one. I didn't want anything too bizzare or anything like this. I just wanted it to look readable, simple and professional. However, I didn't mind to include colors. Even though I chose red (a popular one), I think this color shows seriousness and maturity compared to colors such as pink or purple. I had 4 subsections Experience, education, skills, honors), not more. I saw some resumes with to much of information and I didn't want it to look dense information0wise.

Choice of Typefaces:
I didn't have any particular feelings for any of types before starting but I knew that it must have serifs. It looks more professional to me. My attention was grabbed by ITS Veljovic Std. Since the typeface had many features you could choose, I decided to stay with one type. I chose bold, italic writing which I think looks nice.

Since my name is not usual, a lot of people read my capital I as capital L, so, they created my new name -Leva! I didn't wasn't to happen the same when applying for a job. That is why I chose not capital letters in my wordmark. I emphasized i and S in red because I thought in future I could create a logo out of these. One ther remark that I noticed is that i and s could stand also for international student haha, so wordmark is representing me accurately.

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