Thursday, February 11, 2010

Week Three | PICINI

I just realized I posted a blank blog. Here is the real project blog.

Design Strategy:
I tried to design of my resume to portray my personality. I chose to use all lowercase to make the reader feel comfortable, but chose a serif typeface to keep it looking professional. I made a bar across the top to emphasize my name and separate it from the information on the resume, and made it yellow because it's bright, unique and my favorite color. The black vertical lines were meant to draw attention into the body of the resume and add visual variety. I liked the idea of using lines of different thickness especially because the typeface of the body, Bell MT Std is a transitional serif, which emphasizes differences between thick and thin strokes. I made the G and P of the wordmark larger than the rest of my name so my initials could stand alone without the rest of my name. I liked the idea of crossing the G and P because it brought the words together and I think made it look more intricate. I know the intersection looks a little busy, but I like the look of it overall and I don’t think it’s too distracting. I like the complexity the overlap of the initials conveys, an idea that I also think is portrayed through the fact that one stripe goes above the yellow bar and one goes below. I thought of the weaving, so to speak, of the vertical lines over the yellow bar before the overlapping of the initials and hadn’t initially planned to move the wordmark into the hole, but I think it pulls the word mark and lines together and unites the separate aspects of the resume.

Choice of Typefaces:
As for the typefaces of the body of my resume, I chose Bell MT Standard Regular, because I wanted a readable typeface that was still distinct. I decided I wanted a serif font because they tend to be easier to read. I like the flow of a paper written with the serif race, but I thought Bell MT was unique because the serifs seemed delicate. Being a transitional serif, I think the sharper, detailed serifs gave the letters an elegant look. I didn’t want to use a sans serif font because I was afraid it would come across as unprofessional. My entire resume is also lowercase, because I wanted to project a comfortable, youthful image. I also really like the numbers that Bell MT Standard has. I think the numbers have certain aspects of a script font without being too difficult to read, and letters couldn’t be that decorative without being difficult to read, but the scripted numbers adds an elegant touch.

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