Friday, February 26, 2010

Week 6:Nicole Buckbinder

Design Strategy and client information:

The not-for-profit organization that I created a poster for was my sorority Delta Delta Delta’s Pancake Breakfast. This event raises money by charging five or more dollars for all-you-can-eat pancakes, and all proceeds are donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Since this event is taken place on campus during homecoming weekend I wanted it to attract all age groups since there are many visitors that weekend. I also wanted it to be simple and straight to the point. I aimed for it to be very large and not too full of words because I wanted the viewer’s to be able to look at it fast and know exactly what it was.

Choice of typefaces:

I chose the serif font Nueva Std. Condensed for the whole entire poster. I decided to use one typeface because I didn’t want different typefaces to make it look distracting. I used lowercase letters for the headline because I didn’t want it to take away from the visual in the middle. In addition I chose this font because it was similar to St. Jude’s logo’s font but was a little bit more playful since it is an enjoyable event.


For my visual I decided to use syrup and pancakes and incorporate them into the words “Pancake Breakfast” I first traced the syrup bottle, filled in my own colors, added the deltas into the label, and warped the handle to make it stand out as a “P” more. In addition I made the weight of the line around the syrup bottle thicker to resemble the font of the rest of the word. For the “B” I used chocolate chips, and two pancakes with butter. I made the “B” by drawing each object, using the shape tools, and warping them to get them to the shape I wanted. Finally I decided to put the words on a plate to make it appear as more of a visual than just all words. I made the plate by using the shape tool. I chose the color yellow as the background because it matched well with the pancakes and syrup.

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