Design Strategy/Client Information
The annual LEADD Walk is a very important part of the Levittown, NY community. The Levittown School District runs the LEADD program to help educate students against drug use and to bring awareness to anti-drug programs. The walk itself is the marquee event of this program and brings together many in the community.
The school district is on Long Island and has quite a bit of money it can use. Although that is true, there is still the concern over cost. However, considering posters are not normally created for district events, doing one with color for a once-a-year event is fine.
What I wanted to accomplish with this poster was to bring a nice simplistic message of unity in the community while having an appeal to students, especially in the elementary school level where there are more children attending classes, as well as parents.
Typeface Choice
The entire poster is done with two variations of one font. I chose VAG Rounded STD because I felt it had a child-friendly feel to it. It looks very similar to fonts used in grade-school books and posters and has a comforting feel to it as well. The two variations I used were light and bold. Light was my choice for the information and the headline while I used bold for the title of the actual event. I also bolded the first letters of the acronym “LEADD” to help further explain the initiative of the program.
There are two reasons why I made the background color yellow (0/0/100/0). It gives off the feel of a school bus, which is known for it’s distinct yellow color. It also gives off a reminder of school crossing signs that are found near schools. The latter had a role in the inspiration of the poster, as the figures are a variation on the people seen on those signs.
As for the figures themselves, one was drawn using the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator while the remaining four were copied and pasted from the original and rotated on an axis. As you can tell, each figure is a different color. This is to represent the colors of the schools in the district, as one school uses purple (74.92/93.2/0/0), three use blue (87.78/77.24/0/0), four use red (0/100/100/0), two use navy (100/98.64/6.36/4.3), and one uses green (78.67/0/100/0). The idea of all these figures joined together holding hands is to promote unity in the Levittown community and how the entire district is coming together to hold this event to help better the lives of children and adults in the town.
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