Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Web Design | Irina Dvalidze

I chose to design a web page for an event hosted by Play It By Ear, the same organization that I designed the poster for. The event is the last one hosted by the organization this year. It is organized around a concert featuring several local/student acts around Syracuse Campus. All the money raised by the organization will be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

I decided to use the same visual I used on the poster because I felt it supplied a good basis to go from as far as the color scheme and hierarchical arrangements go. In order to create visual gestalt I repeated the colors used in the primary logo to serve as text boxes that held the individual information of each page.

I wanted to have a visual diversity within the design, so I chose to contrast the asymmetrical color arrangement of the logo with the strictly organized text box.

To show the change within each page on the navigation bar, I used the pink ribbon, symbolic of fight against breast cancer, as the rollover/click through.

I used Futura for the title fonts throughout the design and Georgia for the body text. To repeat the gestalt of uniform organization versus asymmetry, I used Apple Chancery for the sub header. It had a softer, cursive appeal, without being overly flurry, ideally representing the feminine struggle.

For the primary background color I chose a soft pink R-229 G-88 B-207. It was light enough not to conceal the ribbon rollover, fitting the design perfectly. I repeated Georgia within the navigation bar to avoid visual distraction within the font.

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