(I think this appears backwards thanks to Blogger, so read it from bottom to top if it does)
Event Choice
When choosing my event I decided to do a lacrosse game for my old high school team that’s benefiting autism research. Lacrosse has held a special place in my heart and playing it back in high school is one of my fondest memories. When I heard they were having a game to raise funds towards a good cause, I felt this would be a very appropriate event to make a web site for.
Design Strategy
I wanted to keep my design simple and not too over the top. Considering this was for a one-time, annual event and for something which not much of a budget would be going into, I decided to not go overboard and just go simple with an appealing design. I was also going for user accessibility when going through the process of creating the web site. I made a clean navigation bar on the left hand side that is simple for finding links and for splitting up the site nicely. The photo on the top bar is of my high school’s field, which I felt would set up the page nicely. The autism ribbon also helps to signify the cause for the fundraiser. The circle with the D in the middle is a variation of my high school’s logo and I felt was good to fill up some of the excess empty space on the bottom of my navigation bar.
Color/Typeface Choice
The colors blue (RGB 1/1/248) and grey (RGB 181/180/180) are my high school’s colors, so I decided to make the site those colors. The current page is highlighted in white on the navigation bar to stand out from the links in grey so that the user knows what page they are on. The body type is black once again for legibility while the headline is blue to grab attention. I decided to go with the Futura family of fonts for the top bar and the navigation bar because I thought it went well with the simple design. My headline and body text, on the other hand, are the Arial family because although it’s one of the more used fonts out there, it is very readable for users of all ages.
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