Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week Fourteen | Nelson

Design Strategy: Going off of my poster design, I wanted to create a website for the same event. I wanted it to be fun and youthful and interesting, very attention grabbing. So I incorporated fun adn amusing pictures, added footprints along the sides, since it is a marathon, and found silhouettes of dancers to include in the banner. I wanted it to get the youth of the school involved, but also be an easy to use site for parents and businesses to possibly look into.

Font: I used Futura Condensed Medium and Optima Regular typefaces. I wanted to go with easy to read san serifs that contrasted each other well. A lot of the info on the site was meant to be read quickly and mostly just to grab people's interests and get them to contact those in charge and find out how to help, so I wanted to keep it short and simple and use clean cut fonts to help with that message.

Visuals: I found photos from past events and utilized those in the design. I had a pamphlet of sponsors from a past year, so I used that as well. I wanted the site to look very legit, and show that it's been going on for a long time and is for a very good cause. (I don't have my actual rationale with me, so I don't know exact colors atm) I used a hot pink for the backgrounds of the containers, which was also used for the dance marathon in the banner, but I used a 50% transparency. I used a dark blue for the text which was then incorporated into the navbar for the page the viewer is on. Red was used for the links to contrast the blue. I wanted it to have strong continuity and to be simple, yet interesting.

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