Friday, April 30, 2010

Week 13: Reiter

I decided to use the Marie Claire website because I have visited it a lot lately because I did a magazine project on it. I really like how the name Marie Claire is very large and red so that that name of the magazine is very established. However, I like their layout the best because I think it uses hierachy very well. It had the main picture in the center that draws the eye, but also 5 larger text heads that are headline for articles. Because of the larger text heads the eye is immediatly drawn there. Next, the eye goes down to the next biggest thing- the daily blog icon. I think hierarchy is used well here because it moves the eye around to the most important parts of the page. Obviously, the links at the top to other parts of the site are smaller because they aren't newsworthy or interesting...they are just there. However, the other headlines are different sizes according to their importance and attention- grabbing status. The use of smaller pictures for smaller stories, and bigger pictures for more important ones also contributes to hierarchy.

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