Design Strategy:
The event I chose is an annual fundraiser at my high school that goes towards the non-profit Camp Good Days and Special Times. I was unsure about what to do on the home screen until I settled on the idea of making it look like a dance floor pattern. I knew I wanted to incorporate my school’s colors (Green and White) with colors from the logo of Camp Good Days (Blue and Red). I chose a shade of neon green for the dance floor to contrast the forest green in the bar across the top of the website. The other colors in the dance floor were pulled from the Camp Good Days logo. Keeping with the dance/music theme, I titled my navigation bar playlists and put eighth notes next to each page title. I knew that the majority of people visiting the website would be students and parents so I tried to gear the content towards those audiences.
Choice of Typeface:
Since most websites have serif typefaces I went looking for a serif and decided upon Frutiger. Many of the serifs I looked at had bowls on the letter a’s that didn’t look good at medium point sizes. For the event title I placed the D and the M in black weight because the event is often abbreviated among students as “DM” in place of Dance Marathon.
The main visual was the dance floor on the home page that I described above. I used the colors in the dance floor as the background colors for the web pages. I chose grey as the color for the navigation bar because iTunes uses a lot of greys in their program and iTunes is popular for making playlists. Grey is also a universal color and goes nicely with the multicolored dance floor pattern. The other visuals were pictures that I got permission to use from a friend that took pictures of the event the year I was a senior and MC’d the event. I used the lasso tool to crop the photo featured in the upper left hand corner of every page showing students sitting with campers from Camp Good Days.
I like the direction you headed with this. It's nice and simplistic, tells the user everything they need to know, and everything's contained nicely. The only thing that I see can be changed a little is maybe making the color scheme a little bit more consistent. All the colors match the front page but I think having a different color scheme for each page creates a little too much static. I would also make the countdown on the front page black instead of white to make it stand out more. Other than that, I think this came out really well and I could see it being used for a school fundraiser. Nice work!