Friday, April 2, 2010

Week Ten | Picini

1. The Music Review Section of Rolling Stone is always the same structure. The grid looks like it's divided into 4 columns, two of which are reviews and two of which are used for ads. It works very well within the structure and even breaks out of it some in the upper right of the right page, because the concert DVDs box takes up 3 columns instead of the standard two.

2. This example aids the reader because it's simple and straight forward. You don't have to search for reviews on the page, they're right in the middle and evenly lined up.

3. I think it's engaging enough for the purpose it serves. The music review section isn't supposed to be a big attention-grabber, especially because people don't usually visit the section unless they have an interest in the reviews themselves, it's not a story that's trying to be read and thus needs to be creative and outside of the box. Also the break from the standard division by the DVD box makes it less boring and adds some variety.

4. There isn't really any tension caused by the design, it simply is straight-forward and framed by adds and additional information. It shows you information and doesn't mess too much with creativity, but gets the job done.

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