Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Week 12 | Loguidice

I knew the minute this project was assigned that I wanted to do a magazine on Forensic Science. I chose my story based on something my Forensics professor said to me; he told my class (with a gleeful chuckle, I might add) that he was going to ruin CSI for us with the things we were going to learn. Remembering this inspired me to look for an article about CSI, and I found a very interesting one that shows how CSI effects everyday people. I then created Trace (as in, trace evidence).
Most of my typefaces are sans-serifs (such as Antique Olive Std, Albertus MT Std, Helvetica and ITC Kabel). This made sense to me because sans serif type looks more modern and streamlined, so, naturally, what better choice would there be for a science magazine? For body text, I chose Adobe Garamond Pro, mainly to aid readability, but I thought it also contrasted nicely with the san serifs.
I also pulled a color out of the first image on my first spread to create a visual gestalt. The green color is C(45.47), M(21.1), Y (100), and K(1.61).
Finding photos proved to be challenging, but overall, I am quite pleased with the result. Here are the stats for the photos (Resolution, Original Size and Final Size-in pixels).
The Cover-
Fingerprint- 300dpi, 784x1133, 1860x2688
First Spread-
CSI Cast Members- 300dpi, 3000x3750
Magnifying Glass- 150 dpi, 1600x1200, 600x450
Second Spread-
Crime Scene- 200dpi, 2000x1272, 1512x1000
Grissom and Catherine- 300dpi, 1335x2000, 900x1348
Cutout- 200dpi, 333x500

1 comment:

  1. My favorite part of your magazine is the headline and the placement of the magnifying glass. It connects to the main purpose of the article really well. The image on the first spread leads the reader directly to the text. I also like how you took the green from the image and used it throughout the magazine - it's a strong use of gestalt principles. The visuals you used on the third spread look professional and suit the story well. I love how you make the photo for the side bar look up at the reader.

    The one thing I'd recommend is making the cover lines more visible to the readers so they stand out more. Aside from that, I think this is something people would definitely pick up. It strikes curiosity whether or not you watch CSI.
